The latest issue of the BOC Bulletin (Vol. 139, No. 4 – December 2019) is now available for viewing or download. You can view the table of contents, abstracts and references, full text or downloadable PDFs of individual papers as well as the complete issue at the BioOne Complete website. You can also view the table of contents and download a PDF for the complete issue on the BOC website.
This issue contains eight papers of wide interest ranging from Notes on the birds of Isabel, Solomon Islands, including the first record since 1927 of Island Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus maforensis by Lucas H. DeCicco, Serina S. Brady, Sati Hamilton, Adrian Havimana, Xena M. Mapel, Jenna M. McCullough, Karen V. Olson, Ikuo G. Tigulu, Scott L. Travers, Albert Tugu, Michael J. Andersen & Robert G. Moyle to Nesting by dark-bibbed female Beautiful Long-tailed Sunbirds Cinnyris pulchellus and occurrence of dark bibs in both sexes of Beautiful Long-tailed and Gorgeous Sunbirds C. melanogastrus by Robert A. Cheke, Clive R. Barlow & Clive F. Mann (photo above) and Various Gallus varius hybrids: variation in junglefowl hybrids and Darwin’s interest in them by Hein van Grouw & Wim Dekkers.
A full list of the papers published in each volume since 1993 can be viewed at the BOC Bulletin Index page.