BOC Bulletin Vol. 136, No. 4 (December 2016) is now available. This is the last issue that will appear in printed format. Future issues, beginning with the March 2017 one, will retain the same layout and will be posted online as an open access online-only publication, available for free download to everyone.
Bull. B.O.C. 136(4) contains nine papers of wide interest, ranging from Notes on the avifauna of the northern Serranía de Pirre, Panama by Jack P. Hruska, Sarah A. Dzielski, Benjamin M. Van Doren & Justin M. Hite to First record of Lapland Longspur Calcarius lapponicus in the Caribbean by Orestes Martínez, Lazaro Cotayo, Arturo Kirkconnell & James W. Wiley, plus the Index to Volume 136 (2016).
A full list of the papers published in each volume since 1993 can be viewed at the BOC Bulletin Index page.