Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club Vol. 132, 2012
Publication date for Volume 132 (4): 1 December 2012 | ||
Club Announcements | 225 | |
SHIRIHAI, H. | Correcting the identification of two rare wheatear records in Israel | 226 |
BESSON, L. | The collecting history and distribution of Dusky Friarbird Philemon fuscicapillus (Morotai, Indonesia) elucidated from museum data | 236 |
DAVISON, G. W. H., JIANG, C., ZHENGWANG, Z. & DE, C. | Full tree resolution of Polyplectron Temminck, 1813, confirms species status of Hainan P. katsumatae Rothschild, 1906, and Bornean Peacock-Pheasants P. schleiermacheri Brüggemann, 1877 | 251 |
SVENSSON, L., SHIRIHAI, H., FRAHNERT, S. & DICKINSON, E. C. | Taxonomy and nomenclature of the Stonechat complex Saxicola torquatus sensu lato in the Caspian region | 260 |
PEARSON, D., SVENSSON, L. & FRAHNERT, S. | Further on the type series and nomenclature of the Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus | 270 |
BLACK, A. B. | Collection localities of the Night Parrot Pezoporus (Geopsittacus) occidentalis (Gould, 1861) | 277 |
SCHODDE, R., KIRWAN, G. M. & PORTER, R. | Morphological differentiation and speciation among darters (Anhinga) | 283 |
CLARK, W. S. | The eagle genus Hieraaetus is distinct from Aquila, with comments on the name Ayres’ Eagle | 295 |
Index for Volume 132 (2012) | 299 | |
Publication date for Volume 132 (3): 1 September 2012 | ||
Club Announcements | 137 | |
DONEGAN, T. M. | Range extensions and other notes on the birds and conservation of the Serranía de San Lucas, an isolated mountain range in northern Colombia | 140 |
ANGULO PRATOLONGO, F., FLANAGAN, J. N. M., VELLINGA, W.-P. & DURAND, N. | Notes on the birds of Laquipampa Wildlife Refuge, Lambayeque, Peru | 162 |
UBAID, F. K., MAFFEI, F., MOYA, G. M. & DONATELLI, R. J. | Range extension for Buff-fronted Owl Aegolius harrisii in south-east Brazil | 175 |
FJELDSÅ, J., BAIKER, J., ENGBLOM, G., FRANKE, I., GEALE, D., KRABBE, N. K., LANE, D. F., LEZAMA, M., SCHMITT, F., WILLIAMS, R. S. R., UGARTE-NÚÑEZ, J., YÁBAR, V. & YÁBAR, R. | Reappraisal of Koepcke’s Screech Owl Megascops koepckeae and description of a new subspecies | 180 |
GRIEVE, A. & KIRWAN, G. M. | Studies of Socotran birds VII. Forbes-Watson’s Swift Apus berliozi in Arabia—the answer to the mystery of the ‘Dhofar swift’ | 194 |
SEVILLANO RÍOS, C. S. | Rainbow Starfrontlet Coeligena iris in Huascarán National Park, Ancash, Peru | 207 |
JIMÉNEZ, S., ABENTE, J. S., AZPIROZ, A. B., SAVIGNY, C. & ABREU, M. | First Uruguayan records of Great-winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera | 209 |
JANSEN, J. F. J. | Missiemuseum, Steijl, the Netherlands—the history of a little-known collection | 212 |
KLEIN, S. R., DAUDT, N. W. & BUGONI, L. | Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria bulwerii in Brazilian waters | 214 |
GREENEY, H. F. & JIPA, M. | The nest of Crescent-faced Antpitta Grallaricula lineifrons in north-east Ecuador | 217 |
DICKINSON, E. C. & SVENSSON, L. | A new name for a buzzard from the Himalayas | 221 |
LECROY, M., KIRCHMAN, J. J. & HORST, L. | Rediscovery of missing specimens once held at Vassar College, including the holotype of Baudó Guan Penelope ortoni | 222 |
Publication date for Volume 132 (2): 6 June 2012 | ||
Club Announcements | 73 | |
SVENSSON, L. | A new subspecies of Western Orphean Warbler Sylvia hortensis and criteria for separating Western from Eastern Orphean Warbler S. crassirostris | 75 |
BEEHLER, B. M., DIAMOND, J. M., KEMP, N., SCHOLES, E., MILENSKY, C. & LAMAN, T. G. | Avifauna of the Foja Mountains of western New Guinea | 84 |
RHEINDT, F. E. | New avian records from the little-explored Fakfak Mountains and the Onin Peninsula (West Papua) | 102 |
BUDEN, D. W. | Seabirds of Sorol Atoll, Yap, Federated States of Micronesia | 116 |
PEARSON, D., KERTON, I., AMAKOBE, B. & BENSCH, S. | Presumed hybrid Blyth’s Reed Acrocephalus dumetorum × Marsh Warbler A. palustris trapped at Ngulia, Kenya, in December 2009 | 124 |
PATTEN, M. A. | The White Ibis Eudocimus albus subspecies of South America | 128 |
KIRWAN, G. M., BOSTOCK, N., HORNBUCKLE, J., MARSHALL, A. & OXLADE, M. | Does Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica breed in the interior of continental South America? | 133 |
GREGORY, S. M. S. & DICKINSON, E. C. | Clanga has priority over Aquiloides (or how to drop a clanger) | 135 |
Publication date for Volume 132 (1): 14 March 2012
Club Announcements | 1 | |
DONEGAN, T. M. | Geographical variation in Immaculate Antbird Myrmeciza immaculata, with a new subspecies from the Central Andes of Colombia | 3 |
DEAN, W. R. J., FRANKE, U., JOSEPH, G., GONÇALVES, F. M., MILLS, M. S. L., MILTON, S. J., MONADJEM, A. & OSCHADLEUS, H. D. | Type specimens in the bird collection at Lubango, Angola | 41 |
AZPIROZ, A. B., MENÉNDEZ, J. L., JARAMILLO, A., PRESA, D., CALIMARES, C., SARALEGUI, A. & ABENTE, J. S. | New information on the distribution and status of birds in Uruguay | 46 |
CLAESSENS, O., CAMBRÉZY, C., COBIGO, M., MAILLÉ, S. & RENAUDIER, A. | So far from the Andes: Black-and-white Tanager Conothraupis speculigera, an unexpected vagrant to French Guiana | 55 |
INGELS, J., RENAUDIER, A. & AGUIAR, K. M. O. | Status of White-bellied Spinetail Synallaxis propinqua in French Guiana and Amapá (Brazil) | 60 |
CARLOS, C. J., ROSELAAR, C. S. & VOISIN, J.-F. | A replacement name for Charadrius leschenaultii crassirostris (Severtzov, 1873), a subspecies of Greater Sand Plover | 63 |
GREENEY, H. F., GELIS, R. A., GARCIA, T. & AMIGO, X. | The nest, eggs and nestlings of Fulvous Antshrike Frederickena fulva from north-east Ecuador | 65 |
MANEGOLD, A. | On the name of the Canary Blue Tit Cyanistes teneriffae from Gran Canaria | 68 |
DOWSETT, R. J. | Two pre-occupied names in Afrotropical ornithology | 69 |
WELLS, D. R. & INSKIPP, T. | A proposed new genus of booted eagles (tribe Aquilini) | 70 |