Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club Vol. 117, 1997
ALEIXO, A. | Range extension of the Large-headed Flatbill Ramphotrigon megacephala with comments on its distribution | 220 |
ALSTRÖM. P., OLSSON, U. & COLSTON, P.R. | Re-evaluation of the taxonomic status of Phylloscopus proregulus kansuensis Meise | 177 |
BARNES, R., BUTCHART, S.H.M., DAVIES, C.W.N., FERNANDEZ., M. & SEDDON, N. | New distributional information on eight bird species from Northern Peru | 69 |
BARROWCLOUGH, G., LENTINO R., M. & SWEET, P.R. | A new record of birds from Auyn-tepui, Estado Bolivar, Venezuela | 194 |
BORGHESIO, L. | Observations on the ecology of Tauraco ruspohi and T. leucotis in southern Ethiopia | 11 |
BRADSHAW, C.G., KIRWAN, G.M. & WILLIAMS, R.S.R. | First record of Swainson’s Hawk Buteo swainsoni for the West Indies | 315 |
BROOKS, T. & DUTSON, G. | Twenty-nine new island records of birds from the Philippines | 32 |
CLANCEY, P.A. | Variation in the Cape Penduline Tit Anthoscopus minutus of the southern Afrotropics | 52 |
CLANCEY, P.A. | Subspeciation in Layard’s Tit-babbler of the southwestern Afrotropics | 244 |
CLUB NOTICES: Report of the Committee for 1996 & A.G.M. Agenda | 1 | |
CLUB NOTICES: Annual General Meeting | 153 | |
CLUB NOTICES: Financial Statement for the year ended 31.12.96 | 161 | |
CLUB NOTICES: Meeting Reports | 3 | |
CLUB NOTICES: Meeting Reports | 81 | |
CLUB NOTICES: Meeting Reports | 156 | |
CLUB NOTICES: Meeting Reports | 241 | |
CLUB NOTICES: Joint Meeting between B.O.C. and the Linnean Society of London held on 23.3.96 at Burlington House – see separate index at the end | ||
COLLAR, N.J. | The threat status of the Sidamo Lark | 75 |
COWAN, P.J. | What is a desert bird? | 299 |
DESFAYES, M. | A specimen of Hirundo abyssinica from Madagascar | 315 |
DICKERMAN, R.W. | A substitute name for the Bioko race of Pycnonotus virens | 75 |
DOWSETT, R.J. & MOORE, A. | Swamp warblers Acrocephalus gracilirostris and A. rufescens at Lake Chad, Nigeria | 48 |
DUCKWORTH, J.W. | Observations on a population of Jerdon’s Bushchat Saxicola jerdoni in the Mekong channel, Laos | 210 |
ERICSON, P.G.P. | Swedish records of the eastern Palearctic Hoopoe subspecies Upupa epops saturata | 19 |
ERICSON, P.G.P. & AMARILLA, L.A. | First observations and new distributional data for birds in Paraguay | 60 |
FRITH, C.B. & FRITH, D.W. | The taxonomic status of the bird of paradise Paradigalla carunculata intermedia (Paradisaeidae) with notes on the other Paradigalla taxa | 38 |
FRITH, C.B. & FRITH, D.W. | A distinctive new subspecies of Macgregor’s Bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchidae) of New Guinea | 199 |
GALETTI, M., MARTUSCELLI, P., PIZO, M.A. & SIMAO, I. | Records of Harpy and Creasted Eagles in the Brazilian Atlantic forest | 27 |
GOMEZ DE SILVA G., H. | Further observations on the nesting of the Azure-rumped Tanager | 16 |
GONZÁLEZ M., O. | First description of the nest of the Slender-billed Finch | 314 |
GOODMAN, S.M., HAWKINS, A.F.A. & DOMERGUE, C.A. | A new species of vanga (Vangidae, Calicalicus) from southwestern Madagascar | 5 |
GREGORY, P. | Range extensions and unusual sightings from Western Province, Papua New Guinea | 304 |
GÜSTEN, R. | Fringilla coelebs gengleri – authorship and date revisited | 238 |
HAZEVOET, C.J. | On a record of the Wattled Crane Bugeranus carunculatus from Guinea-Bissau | 56 |
HERZOG, S.K., KESSLER, M., MAIJER, S. & HOHNWALD, S. | Distributional notes on birds of Andean dry valleys in Bolivia | 223 |
KRABBE, N., POULSEN, B.O., FRØLANDER, A. & BARAHONA. O.R. | Range extensions of cloud forest birds from the high Andes of Ecuador: new sites for rare or little-recorded species | 248 |
LOUSADA, S.A. & HOWELL, S.N.G. | Amazona oratrix hondurensis: A new subspecies of parrot from the Sula Valley of northern Honduras | 203 |
LOWEN, J.C., CLAY, R.P., BARNETT, J.M., MADROÑO N, A., PEARMAN, M., LANÚS, B.L., TOBIAS, J.A., LILEY, D.C., BROOKS, T.M., ESQUIVEL, E.Z. & REID, J.M. | New and noteworthy observations on Paraguayan avifauna | 275 |
MADROÑO N., A. & ESQUIVEL, E.Z. | Noteworthy records and range extensions from the Reserva Natural del Bosque Mbaracay (Mbaracay Forest Nature Reserve), Departamento de Canindey, Paraguay | 166 |
MEES, G.F. | On the identity of Heterornis senex Bonaparte | 67 |
MORAES, V.S. & KRUL, R. | Notes on the Black-backed Tanager Tangara peruviana (Desmarest, 1806) | 316 |
ORDANO, M. & BOSISIO, A. | Historical records of threatened and near threatened Argentinian birds from Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales “Florentine Ameghino” of Santa Fe, Argentina | 77 |
PRAWIRADILAGA, D.M. | The Maleo Macrocephalon maleo on Buton | 237 |
RAPOSO, M.A. & PARRINI, R. | On the validity of the Half-collared Sparrow Arremon semitorquatus Swainson 1837 | 294 |
REINO, L.M. & PATACHO, D. | A new beeding area for the Song Thrush Turdus philomelos in north Portugal | 312 |
RODRIGUEZ, G. & LENTINO, M. | Range expansion and summering of Palm Warbler Dendroica palmarum in Venezuela | 76 |
SAGE, B. | Melanism in the gulls (Laridae) | 239 |
SMITH, P.W. | The history and taxonomic status of the Hispaniolan Crossbill Loxia megaplaga | 264 |
TOYNE, E.P. & FLANAGAN, J.N.M. | Observations on the breeding, diet and behaviour of the Red-faced Parrot Hapalopsittaca pyrrhops in southern Ecuador | 257 |
VALLELY, A.C. & AVERSA, T. | New and noteworthy bird records from Belize including the first record of Chestnut-collared Swift Cypseloides rutilus | 272 |
WALTERS, M. | On the identity of Lophornis melaniae Floericke (Trochilidae) | 235 |
BARBAGLI, Fabio, BARBAGLI, Fausto, & VIOLANI, C. | Scopoli, Linnaeus and the Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria | 145 |
CHEKE, R.A. | Preface | 83 |
COLLAR, N.J. | Taxonomy and conservation: chicken and egg | 122 |
GREENWOOD, J.J.D. | Introduction: the diversity of taxonomies | 85 |
MIKHAILOV, K.E. | Bird taxonomy based on eggshell structure | 149 |
PARKIN, D. | Molecular probes for identification of raptors | 147 |
RUSSELL, D.A., GALEB, B. & HOATH, R. | X-raying the Gods: what were the mummified Horus falcons of Egypt? | 148 |
SNOW, D.W. | Should the biological be superseded by the phylogenetic species concept? | 110 |
VIOLANI, C.G. & BARBAGLI Fabio. | Salvadori, Giglioli and Arrigoni: aspects of the trinomial controversy in Italian ornithology | 137 |
ZINK, R.M. | Species concepts | 97 |